Áldu - Reindeer Adventures and Products - Karasjok



TRAVEL TO karasjok

We are located in Karasjok, Finnmark. You can fly to Lakselv (73 km), Alta (200 km) or Ivalo i Finland (155 km). You can also fly to Kirkenes 255 km from Karasjok, via Finland.

Bus from Lakselv to Karasjok nr 63 (1 hour, 73 km):

  • Monday - friday: 6:20 am, 10:05 am, 3:20 pm and 6:00 pm

  • Saturdag: no bus

  • Sunday: 6:00 pm and 11:45 pm

At Snelandia.no you can find the time tables, and you can also download their app” Snelandia reise”. The bus can sometimes be delayed, so always check the correct bus time tables at Snelandia.no.

Bus from Alta airport or from Ivalo, check the timetables at: Snelandia.no

You can also rent a tour bus at Finnmark Turbuss .

Rent a car: The most airports have car rentals, AVIS and HERTZ.