Áldu - Reindeer Adventures and Products - Karasjok

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We offer unique experiences related to reindeer herding and the 8 seasons. You will get closer to nature and our culture by visiting us and our reindeer herd. Read more about our tours below.

In 2024 and 2025, we only accept pre-booked groups. You are welcome to contact us at post@aldu.no or tel. +47 90512935.

We welcome you at our homestead here in Karasjok to spend a night under the stars and, with a bit of luck, under the magical Northern lights. Once you are settled and comfortable in your lavvo, the traditional Sami tent you’ll spend the night in, we will visit you in there to share stories about our life as reindeer herders, and the type of activities we do during our eight seasons. You will have the opportunity to meet our reindeer, to feed them and take photos.

We would love to invite you to our homestead and join us for gáfestallan in our cozy lavvu (Sámi traditional tent) where we make a bonfire and brew the world’s best coffee, made over the bonfire. Gáfestallan is a traditional social happening, mainly for the Northern Sámi where we share stories about daily life and happenings while drinking coffee.

As Sámi reindeer herders we continue with a traditional custom where we tame selected male reindeers for sledding as one means of transportation.

Every day at 10:00am we feed the male reindeers located at our homestead and clean their surroundings. Join us for å unique moment when feeding our reindeer located at our homestead in a beautiful winter nature scenery.

  • We follow the Norwegian authorities' recommendations at all times, and we have a strong focus on infection control. We therefore ask our visitors to be aware of symptoms and not to show up if there are symptoms of COVID-19.

    Should you be so unlucky to be diagnosed with COVID-19 after you have been with us, we ask you to contact us as soon as possible.

    We disinfect all equipment between each trip and have hand sanitizer available.

    We will also ask foreign travellers planning to visit us to keep an eye on the entry rules to Norway at helsenorge.no.